Mindset Mondays: Be Mindful

Be mindful of what comes out of your mouth; it establishes what comes out of your heart. It’s an election year, and talking heads are talking, and social media is full of it. As believers, we must be mindful of what comes out of our mouths. Ephesians 4:29 tells us,  “Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak].”

Mindset Mondays: The Power of Vision

Do you understand the power of vision? Vision has the power to propel you from your perceived path into your ordained destiny. In 2 Kings 7, the four lepers at the gate had a moment of clarity. They looked into their future and saw the outcomes of their choices. Have you ever had a moment when your path became so clear that you realized you had stepped into your destiny? I have those moments when I start writing a new book or when I work with my clients on transformation. My path is clear, and I know and understand my Read More

Mindset Mondays: Developing a “Pearl Mindset”

The “Pearl Mindset” framework uses the characteristics and formation of a pearl as a metaphor for personal growth, transformation, and overcoming obstacles. Pearls are formed through a process of responding to irritation and adversity, making them a powerful symbol of turning challenges into beauty and strength. The Pearl Mindset, along with God’s Word, will help to deepen the understanding of each aspect of the mindset, aligning personal growth and resilience with Biblical principles. Are you seeking wisdom, purpose, and transformation, but you are constantly running into obstacles? It’s time to apply the Pearl Mindset. Pearl Mindset Framework 1. Irritation: Embracing Read More

Mindset Mondays: Godly Success

You can obtain Godly SUCCESS! What is your view of success? Is it having money, status, lots of friends in high places, or having your dream job? God’s view is totally different. Here are  five key aspects of success according to the Word: 1. Obedience to God’s Will Success is rooted in obeying and trusting God’s commands rather than pursuing personal ambitions. True success comes when we align our lives with God’s purposes. Joshua 1:8: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything Read More

Mindset Mondays: Under the Shadow of the Most High

Are you abiding under the shadow of the Most High? I was on a flight recently, and we were flying over the mountains, just below the clouds. I could see the ground, and there were these places on the ground that were dark, and I realized I was seeing the shadows from the clouds. It was an intriguing sight to see a shadow from above. A shadow is defined as an inseparable companion or follower or a dominant influence. Being under the shadow of God means we are inseparable from Him and are being influenced by His presence.  Psalm 91 Read More