I went on vacation recently, and while there, I had several opportunities to show the love of God to those around me. Always look for those opportunities. Let the love of God shine forth through you. People watch before they listen.
Category: Christian Living
Mindset Mondays: Determination
1 Corinthians 2:2 states we should be determined to know God. I am determined to walk by faith, walk in love, walk in wisdom, walk in the Spirit, and walk worthy of my calling. The world’s standards shall not sway me or deter me.
Mindset Mondays: Not Your Battle
Not every battle is your battle. The Word tells us that God will fight our battles for us (Exodus 14:14). That’s not the battle I am referencing here. Some of you are fighting the wrong battle. You have gotten off course. You left the path God created for you, and now you are trying to win battles and break down doors that serve no purpose (Psalm 119:1 [MSG]). Stop, repent, and get back on track. Your battle is in the other direction. You are stagnant and beaten down because you are trying to fight and win an unwinnable battle. You Read More
Mindset Mondays: Be Mindful
Be mindful of what comes out of your mouth; it establishes what comes out of your heart. It’s an election year, and talking heads are talking, and social media is full of it. As believers, we must be mindful of what comes out of our mouths. Ephesians 4:29 tells us, “Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak].”