Our True North is the Holy Spirit. In the vast expanse of the night sky, a single star has guided countless travelers throughout history. The North Star, or Polaris, stands as an unwavering beacon of direction, positioned almost directly above the Earth’s North Pole. While other stars wheel through the darkness in their nightly dance, Polaris remains steadfast, offering a fixed point of reference for those seeking their way (true north). This celestial constant serves as a powerful metaphor for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives. Just as ancient mariners and explorers relied on Polaris to navigate treacherous waters Read More
Category: God’s plan
Following God’s plan for you life instead of your own
Preparation: Wisdom from Noah’s Obedience
Preparation is not wasted time; it is a necessary act of faith and obedience. Noah’s story (Genesis 6:9-22) teaches us that preparation, when guided by God, leads to preservation and blessing. Below is a guide to help you embrace the principles of preparation in your life.
Mindset Mondays: God’s Plans and Purpose
We are destined for greatness. God created each of us with a purpose in mind. Why are you here? You are here because there is a problem you were created to solve. You are probably asking, What problem? How do you discover your purpose? 1. Ask God (). Earnestly pray in line with the Word; asking God to reveal it to you (). God called you to a plan greater than yourself. Jeremiah was called to be a prophet to the nations, even before he was born (). Joseph was told to name the Messiah, Jesus, because He was to save Read More
Mindset Mondays: Keep Going
At times the ride of life is tough. I am here to tell you to keep going, keep riding. I have been dealing with a particularly frustrating situation, and there are days when I really want to say that’s enough. I want to let someone else do the adulting for the day. But, you know what? I realized that I am the adult and only I can handle my frustrations. I have to keep going. I have a poem hanging in my office directly above my desk. It’s a picture of a carousel horse and a prayer. The poem reminds Read More
Eternity: No Time Like the Present
God put Eternity in our hearts. There is no time like the present time to start searching for your divine purpose. Take a few moments today to think about God’s plan and call on your life. We are called and appointed to a God-given assignment. Even when we think that time is not on our side; we can be assured that eternity is. Psalm 139:14 states, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” God took the time to put every piece needed inside of us so that we can complete Read More