Nehemiah 6:3 – Why Should I?

In Nehemiah 6:3, Nehemiah was taking care of kingdom business. Each day, we have a mandate from God to work diligently to complete our God-given assignments and not fight battles that do not concern us. Ask yourself this question: Why should I??? Jesus said in Luke 2:49, I must be about my Father’s business. So why should I stop to answer questions or argue about meaningless dialogues? Nehemiah 6:3 says: “So I sent messengers to them, saying, ‘I am doing a great work and cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to Read More

Divine Combustion: Wildfire as a Metaphor for Spirit-Empowered Ministry

Did you know that the spread of wildfire and the spread of the gospel through the Holy Spirit share fascinating parallels that Scripture illuminates in powerful ways? There was lots of fire combustion in Oklahoma last week. It’s wildfire season, and the fire spread rate on Friday was  225 to 440 feet per minute due to the extremely high winds. Everyone was on high alert and ready to take the appropriate action when needed. Just as forests and neighborhoods are transformed by the power of wildfires, lives are transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Wildfire Spread Characteristics Wildfires Read More

The Power of Silence: Unlocking Prophetic Wisdom

This week’s message is about the power of silence. I love the sound of silence. Lots of people cannot stand to be in a place of silence without noise of any kind (no television, radio, music, talking, just silence). I find it so very soothing. I practice the power of silence daily. With so many talking heads in the world these days, I especially find it refreshing to practice silence. Silence is defined as the absence of sound; stillness. I enjoy quiet times. Someone had this to say about silence: Silence fuels the prophetic gift within you. It is a Read More


It’s time we chose to surrender. When we do, deeper depths await us. We often hear the Lord speak, and then we decide we know what’s best. I am guilty, and it’s time we chose to surrender instead of pretending we did not hear what the Holy Spirit spoke to us. Lately, I have been hearing the Holy Spirit tell me to rest. Rest is hard for me since I like to stay busy; however, I am forcing myself. A recent prophetic word I read shows us what happens when we do not listen to His voice and surrender. See Read More

Something to Ponder: Which are You?

Here is something to ponder. Which of these are you? I love the story in Luke 10 about Jesus and the good Samaritan. Let me paraphrase it for you for 2025. The story starts with a lawyer asking, ‘What must I do to be saved?’ Jesus, being Jesus, in all of His wisdom, replied, “What does the scripture say?” The answer, of course, is: You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. The lawyer asks, but who Read More

Jehovah-Sabaoth: The God Who Troubles Your Troubles

Jehovah-Sabaoth (יהוה צְבָאוֹת) means “The Lord of Hosts” or “The Lord of Armies.” This name emphasizes God as the supreme commander of heavenly and earthly forces, fighting on behalf of His people and troubling the troubles that rise against them. The word “Sabaoth” (צְבָאוֹת) refers to a great multitude, an army, or a host of heavenly beings. It is a name that reveals God’s authority over both the spiritual and natural realms—showing that He is not only a protector but a warrior who wages war against forces that oppose His will. In 2 Kings 7:6-7, God sends a sound to Read More