Decisions guide our lives. Have you ever made the decision to serve God? Or to stay active? What about the decision to eat healthily? We all make decisions, yet sometimes our decisions are not based on good information or from the leading of the Holy Spirit. Decisions are often based on information we have in a single moment in time. One of my favorite animated movies is Anastasia. If you don’t know the story you can read about it here. In the animated version, Anastasia comes to a crossroads and she has to make a decision. She is not sure Read More
Category: Spiritual Growth
Atmospheric Changes: Praise is Key
Atmospheric changes occur when you worship the Most-High God. Have you ever noticed a change in the atmosphere around you when you start praising God? Just as our natural climate changes when different objects are introduced into the atmosphere, our spiritual climate also changes when we introduce praise. I was reminded this week of how quickly the weather can change. I was on a cruise, and on two separate occasions, the weather changed and interrupted my plans. One day, we were on the beach, and a storm came so quickly that we barely had time to get to cover before Read More
Narratives: Pursuing Purpose in a Crazy World
Narratives are the storylines of your life. They are accounts, reports, stories, events, or experiences. My narratives include being born and raised in rural North Carolina to currently working on my doctorate. I have changed the narratives of my life many times. Recently I heard the Lord say, ‘tell my people it’s time for them to remove themselves from the narratives currently shaping their lives’. Removing yourself from the narratives means it is time to stop doing whatever it is you are currently doing, take a look at what you are doing and see if it lines up with what Read More
Panic or Pray: Speak to your Storms
Panic or pray. Those are two choices we have every day. Today’s weather forecast calls for storms all day; some severe. When you hear those words do you panic or do you pray? As believers, we have authority in the earth to speak to our situation and expect that situation to change as it relates to the Word of God. Mark 11:23-24 says ‘speak to the storms in your life and do not doubt’. In Luke 10:19, Jesus told the disciples “I give you authority over all the power of the enemy (the devil). You have been made kings and priests to Read More
Sufficiency: It Would Have Been Enough
Sufficiency is a gift from God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God (2 Corinthians 3:5). This weekend we celebrated Resurrection Sunday and Passover. I always think of the prayer we pray during Passover. It’s called Dayenu, which means ‘It would have been enough (sufficient). It is a song of thanksgiving and praise. Take a moment to read this prayer and meditate on it. When you began to look back over your life and see all that God has brought you through, shout Dayenu (It Would Have Read More
Healed and Whole: Forever Settled
I am Healed and Whole. Healing is part of our divine covenant with God. Exactly 2 years ago to the day, I did a series on healing. It’s time to revisit this topic as we should keep this in the forefront. God is a healing God. In Him we have healing. God has already made a way of escape from any and every sickness which may be moving through this realm attacking whoever it wants to devour; just like our enemy the devil who sneaks around looking for someone who is unprotected to devour (1 Peter 5:8). In Him we Read More