Stand Firm, Therefore

Stand firm; therefore, (Ephesians 6:14) is a statement that we need to have at the top of our vocabulary. We need to turn this scripture into a daily affirmation: I am standing firm on the truth of God’s Word and holding my ground, having tightened the wide band of truth (personal integrity, moral courage) around my waist and having put on the breastplate of righteousness (an upright heart). It’s been an interesting week for some of us, and it’s about to get more interesting. It’s time to stand on what we know to be truth (Remember, there are no versions of the truth). What are Read More

Mindset Mondays: Not Your Battle

Not every battle is your battle. The Word tells us that God will fight our battles for us (Exodus 14:14). That’s not the battle I am referencing here. Some of you are fighting the wrong battle. You have gotten off course. You left the path God created for you, and now you are trying to win battles and break down doors that serve no purpose (Psalm 119:1 [MSG]). Stop, repent, and get back on track. Your battle is in the other direction. You are stagnant and beaten down because you are trying to fight and win an unwinnable battle. You Read More

Mindset Mondays: Under the Shadow of the Most High

Are you abiding under the shadow of the Most High? I was on a flight recently, and we were flying over the mountains, just below the clouds. I could see the ground, and there were these places on the ground that were dark, and I realized I was seeing the shadows from the clouds. It was an intriguing sight to see a shadow from above. A shadow is defined as an inseparable companion or follower or a dominant influence. Being under the shadow of God means we are inseparable from Him and are being influenced by His presence.  Psalm 91 Read More

Mindset Mondays: Keep Going

At times the ride of life is tough. I am here to tell you to keep going, keep riding. I have been dealing with a particularly frustrating situation, and there are days when I really want to say that’s enough. I want to let someone else do the adulting for the day. But, you know what? I realized that I am the adult and only I can handle my frustrations. I have to keep going. I have a poem hanging in my office directly above my desk. It’s a picture of a carousel horse and a prayer. The poem reminds Read More

Mindset Mondays: Courage

Courage is the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Do you have courage? I was watching a movie earlier this week, and the female character was in a domestic violence relationship. When she was growing up, her parents would constantly fight. Her dad would beat up her mom, and she was subjected to this violence daily. Her dad actually beat up one of her boyfriends. Do you know what I loved about this female character? She had the courage to end the relationship to protect herself and her daughter. She did not want Read More

Down in the Ds: Not Just The Dumps

Have you heard people say they are down in the dumps? What they are saying is they are sad, oppressed, overwhelmed, and a few other things. Dumps is another of those D- words that we encounter sometimes. Have you been down in the dumps (Ds)? I think we have all experienced the Ds at some point. What other D-words are there that steal our joy: Depressed, defeated, doubtful, distracted, disappointed, delays, disease, disaster, and on and on those words go. But there is an answer for the Ds. That answer is FAITH. Don’t be down in the Ds (dumps, disappointed, Read More