Down in the Ds: Not Just The Dumps

Have you heard people say they are down in the dumps? What they are saying is they are sad, oppressed, overwhelmed, and a few other things. Dumps is another of those D- words that we encounter sometimes. Have you been down in the dumps (Ds)? I think we have all experienced the Ds at some point. What other D-words are there that steal our joy: Depressed, defeated, doubtful, distracted, disappointed, delays, disease, disaster, and on and on those words go. But there is an answer for the Ds. That answer is FAITH. Don’t be down in the Ds (dumps, disappointed, Read More

Spiritual Warfare Strategies: New Book

Introducing my new book, Spiritual Warfare Strategies Devotional and Journal. This book will aid and equip you in using your spiritual empowerment to overcome negative self-talk, identify and destroy hidden beliefs, break hindering covenants, and develop a positive mindset that enables you to move toward your God-given goals and dreams. God gave us strategies to use against the enemy. This book was written for those who plan to unapologetically fight and win spiritual battles. Stop the enemy in his tracks and take back every inch of territory that’s been stolen from you. Start your journey today!  

Released: Demolishing Strongholds

Get RELEASED. Are you trying to run your race, but all you are doing is running in place? Does it feel like you are trying to row a boat that’s fighting against the wind and waves? Do you need the storms in your life to calm down? Are you stuck in the mud pit of life? It’s time to be released from those strongholds that are holding you back from fulfilling your divine calling. I hear you saying, ‘I have been trying to move, but I can’t seem to get anywhere. Most importantly, God hears you too. Remember, He told Read More

Psalm 91: Prayer of Protection

Psalm 91 is a prayer of protection. This is part of your heavenly armor (Ephesians 6:13-20). You can rest in God’s assurance. Pray Psalm 91 daily and watch God keep you safe and secure. When the enemy is seeking someone to devour, don’t let it be you. Here is the Psalm in the Passion Translation (TPT). When you abide under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. He’s the hope that holds me and the stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. He will rescue you from Read More