Mindset Mondays: Focus on the Good

It’s important that even in the midst of adversity, we focus on the good. I recently returned from a beach trip. It was supposed to be a week at a beautiful beach house and time away on the beach. Well, Hurricane Debbie had different plans. We took a trip to Virginia Beach to visit family and also to relax on the beach for a few days. Debbie decided she wanted to visit Virginia Beach during that time; therefore, our beach time was cut short. We only got to walk to the beach a couple of times but did not spend Read More

Mindset Mondays: That Same Power

Power is needed to defeat all of the schemes of the enemy. Where do you get your power? Not your electrical power. Even though that is important. On Friday we started to have power issues at our house. Some outlets worked; others did not work. The clock on the kitchen range kept going on and off. We were almost devoid of power. For some reason all of the overhead lights in the house worked just fine. To fix our power problem, we called on the experts, and they arrived promptly to fix the problem. At times we find ourselves in Read More

Mindset Mondays: The Power and Purpose of Waiting

Waiting can be hard. The Word instructs us to wait. I was reading my devotional the other day and came upon this definition of wait. The Hebrew word for wait is not a passive, boring waiting that tempts you to sleep and slumber. No, the Hebrew word for wait is qavah. It is an active word that means to wait, look for, hope, expect, look eagerly for, to lie in wait for, to linger for, to collect, bind together, or to be collected. The first time this word shows up in the Bible, however, it was not people who waited, Read More

Eternity: No Time Like the Present

God put Eternity in our hearts. There is no time like the present time to start searching for your divine purpose. Take a few moments today to think about God’s plan and call on your life. We are called and appointed to a God-given assignment. Even when we think that time is not on our side; we can be assured that eternity is. Psalm 139:14 states,  “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” God took the time to put every piece needed inside of us so that we can complete Read More

Mindset Monday: Building Resilience through Faith

Resilience-building exercises integrate your faith principles and practices. We need resilience to continue to be strong in the Lord, especially on those days when nothing seems to be going right, and those fiery darts keep on coming. Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands. Over the past couple of weeks, especially with the storms and tornados, so many people are faced with challenges in a multitude of areas. We build resilience through exercising our faith. The Apostle Paul Read More

Review: Garnet@Inspiration Flows Coaching

Are you ready to start your coaching journey? Let Garnet help you on your way to healing, transformation, and purpose. You can do it! Her clients always give her glowing reviews. Here is what they have to say: Book your free onboarding call today!