Mindset Monday: Who’s In Your Tribe?

And they went to their own tribe (Acts 4:23). As Christians, we need to surround ourselves with like-minded people. We need our own tribe. It’s important to know those with whom you associate. The right tribe for you will be a place where you are continually filled, sharpened, and fired up for the call of God on your life. Here are five reasons why it’s important to have the right tribe: Spiritual Support and Encouragement: Being part of a community of like-minded Christians provides a source of spiritual support and encouragement. In times of doubt, struggle, or hardship, your tribe Read More

Mindset Monday: Godly Stretching

Godly stretching is good for you. After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favor], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be] (1 Peter 5:10). If you work out a lot you know how important it is to stretch your muscles after your workout. If you forget, you will wake up the next day with muscles so tight you can barely walk and often with excruciating pain. That soreness might make you Read More

Strategically Placed: Resurrected Dreams

God strategically moves and guides us into the correct position. If we study the Word, we find many women whom God strategically placed within their assignment and purpose. Hagar (Genesis 16) was strategically placed to meet  God (El Roi) at the well and direct the formation of a nation; Esther was strategically placed in the palace (Esther 7) to save her people from annihilation; Rahab was strategically placed to save the spies as well as her entire household (Joshua 6); Jael (Judges 4,5) was strategically placed to eliminate an enemy, and Ruth (Ruth 4) was strategically placed to give birth to Read More