Mindset Mondays: Hagar and The God Who Sees

Hagar looked and saw God’s supernatural provision (Genesis 21). God has been speaking to me about the story of Hagar in Genesis 16 and Genesis 21. God looks ahead, sees what is coming, and prepares the way for you. Hagar’s experience is one of supernatural provision and deliverance. For Hagar (Genesis 16), it was a desert experience that caused her to finally understand that she was not alone. El-Roi was there watching over her. He saw her anguish hagarand pain. He was there when Sarai told her to leave and not come back. He had a plan already in place when she wandered aimlessly into the desert, and He already has a plan in place for you.

Have you ever felt invisible or that no one cares or sees you or the problems you are facing? Well, God, El-Roi sees you. He looked ahead into 2024 and beyond and planned for every contingency of your life. He will not be surprised by one mistake or action you take. He will not be surprised by those who will betray you or who have set traps for you. He will not be surprised when you struggle to start that business or when you make wrong business decisions.

Are you in a desperate situation? Are you, like Hagar, having a desert experience? Does God seem to be ignoring you and not answering your prayers? Keep the faith and continually call on El-Roi.  He has a plan; trust Him. There is supernatural provision at the end of your desert experience. It may not come to fruition when you think it should, but it will come to pass when the time is right. Galatians 6:9 tells us, “Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

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