Narratives are the storylines of your life. They are accounts, reports, stories, events, or experiences. My narratives include being born and raised in rural North Carolina to currently working on my doctorate. I have changed the narratives of my life many times. Recently I heard the Lord say, ‘tell my people it’s time for them to remove themselves from the narratives currently shaping their lives’.
Removing yourself from the narratives means it is time to stop doing whatever it is you are currently doing, take a look at what you are doing and see if it lines up with what God has called you to do. Are you running around in circles without direction, with no peace, and no clarity? God has called you to live a purposeful life.
The problem started when you decided (not God) that you were going to create a certain narrative. This was not God’s plan for you. It’s time to remove yourself from those narratives which are hindering your forward momentum. You are stuck and it’s time to get unstuck. You created false narratives and now you are not certain what to do. Some narratives were created because of covetousness. You saw what your neighbor or friend had and you wanted it, so you created a narrative to fit that situation. It’s time to let go. Do not be like the children of Israel who had to endure a year of pain in the wilderness for every day of disobedience (Numbers 13:27-14:34). And in case you missed it, both Caleb and Joshua (the true believers) had to endure the same 40 years in the wilderness along with those who walked in disobedience. Often our narrative affect others. Their narratives were changed because they were in the same camp. Don’t cause others in your family to be stuck in the wilderness because of your disobedience.
How can you tell you are in the incorrect narrative? Are you at peace? Are you moving toward the destiny God planned for you? Are you continually making the same decisions and producing the same results? It’s time to remove yourself from those narratives. Look to your heavenly Father. He knows the plans He has for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Your narratives can be changed and you can move forward with God. He is waiting for you to come to Him with a humble heart and He will help you. Let Him rewrite your story.
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