Friday Fun Facts: Total Eclipse Crossroads

Total solar eclipses do not happen often, but did you know that the city of Carbondale, Illinois, is beloved as the Total Eclipse Crossroads of America? Carbondale is the largest city (around 25,000 in population) within the ‘X’, where the 2017 and 2024 solar eclipses cross paths. The geographic center is a small village just south of Carbondale, known as Makanda. During the total solar eclipse, on Monday, April 8th, Carbondale will see four minutes and nine seconds of totality — which is double what occurred on August 21, 2017. Check out the map below.  ‘X’ marks the spot.  Regardless Read More

Mindset Mondays: Clothed with Strength and Dignity

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs at the future and anticipates the future with joy, free of anxiety. ~Proverbs 31:25~ Proverbs 31:25 is one of my favorite scriptures. I make it an affirmation. “I am clothed with strength and dignity, and I laugh at the future!” Clothes often represent a person’s spiritual state. As Christian women, we understand the importance of living life with courage and virtue and wear these qualities in the way we interact with others. We are free from anxiety because we have strong faith, knowing that He meets all of our needs Read More

Strategically Placed: Resurrected Dreams

God strategically moves and guides us into the correct position. If we study the Word, we find many women whom God strategically placed within their assignment and purpose. Hagar (Genesis 16) was strategically placed to meet  God (El Roi) at the well and direct the formation of a nation; Esther was strategically placed in the palace (Esther 7) to save her people from annihilation; Rahab was strategically placed to save the spies as well as her entire household (Joshua 6); Jael (Judges 4,5) was strategically placed to eliminate an enemy, and Ruth (Ruth 4) was strategically placed to give birth to Read More

Fun Facts Friday: Bible Thieves

Here is an interesting fact. The Bible is not only the most read and most popular book, it’s the most stolen book. Some bookstore owners claim that the Bible is the most shoplifted book on their shelves! The Word of God is free to all, so there is no need to steal it. You can get scriptures on the internet, on radio, and on television at no cost. It’s also ironic that the book that tells you not to steal is the most stolen.