Released: Demolishing Strongholds

Get RELEASED. Are you trying to run your race, but all you are doing is running in place? Does it feel like you are trying to row a boat that’s fighting against the wind and waves? Do you need the storms in your life to calm down? Are you stuck in the mud pit of life? It’s time to be released from those strongholds that are holding you back from fulfilling your divine calling.

releasedI hear you saying, ‘I have been trying to move, but I can’t seem to get anywhere. Most importantly, God hears you too. Remember, He told you He has a plan for you, a plan to prosper you and not harm you. He wants to give you plans filled with hope for a great future. The enemy of your soul hears what you have been saying also. He is always sneaking around listening and searching for an opportunity to defeat you. Don’t let him win.

Here are four strongholds the enemy has placed to keep you bound and that will hinder you from fulfilling your destiny. These four strongholds can be demolished and you can get released and move on to what God has planned for you.

Stronghold #1: Words of your mouth. Stop speaking doubt and unbelief. Sometimes we need to record ourselves and listen to what’s coming out of our mouths. Speak the Word only. Here’s what you should be saying about your destiny:
a. God has a plan for me. His plans include hope, prosperity, safety, peace, and well-being. Jeremiah 29:11 declares, “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Speak this Word over your life. God knows the plans He has for you. His plans include a future full of possibilities and hope. His plans include a life of peace and not disaster; no matter what is going on in the world.
b. God cares for me. 1 Peter 5:7 states God cares for you. Cast all of your cares, sorrows, tears, and fears to Him. He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).
c. I have everything I need. God is my supplier. God shall supply everything that I need according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19)

Stronghold #2: Your companions. Show me your friends and I can show you your future. Don’t hang out with angry people; don’t keep company with hotheads. Bad temper is contagious— don’t get infected (Proverbs 22:24-25). You cannot serve two masters. Remember what the Word said about loving the things of the world. “You adulteresses [disloyal sinners—flirting with the world and breaking your vow to God]! Do you not know that being the world’s friend [that is, loving the things of the world] is being God’s enemy? So whoever chooses to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (James 4:4).

Stronghold #3:  Prayer life. Someone once said, If you can’t find the time to pray because you are too busy, you are busier than God ever intended for you to be. Some of you are hung up on ritual. You think you have to be on knees, your head bowed, eyes closed, in church, or your prayer closet. It’s not the position of your body, your head, your eyes, or your location. It’s the position of your heart that moves you from stuck to released. If God’s people, those He has called, will humble themselves, pray, and repent. He will HEAR you and He will ANSWER you (1 Chronicles 7:14).

Stronghold #4: Fear. Don’t let perceived fears stop you from fulfilling your destiny. When you are afraid, put your trust in God (Psalm 56:3). In Joshua 1:9, God commanded Joshua to go forward without fear. Be of good courage. In everything you do acknowledge God and He will lead you in the right direction. “For I am convinced [and continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39). Do not let anyone or anything intimidate you.

It’s time to get released from those strongholds. Get up and get going. God has something He wants you to do. He has people waiting for you to move into position so they can get on with their journey. He has resources for you, and He is just waiting for you to demolish those strongholds. Now is not the time to grow weary. Now is not the time to complain.

Now is the time for you to get moving and fulfill your divine destiny. You can walk free. You have to be tenacious and stand up against anything that tries to draw you away from God. I hear some of you saying that it’s too late. You think you have messed up so much that God will not want you back. That’s a lie from the enemy. He wants you back. He is yearning for you to return to Him. It‘s time to get RELEASED!

Please enjoy this free booklet on getting released and moving forward. This booklet contains 10 suggestions to help you move forward into your next season. Get it Here.


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