You are a Princess; you do not need to SETTLE.

I was watching a movie the other day and one of the characters said, “You are a Princess, you do not need to settle”. I thought, wow. If only God’s princesses could get in line with that word. Let’s face it; sometimes we settle. It might be in the form of a job, a relationship, shopping, buisness or pleasure, or a million other things in our lives. You are God’s daughter. He is  King; therefore you are His Princess. Know it and Be it.  God said He wants to prosper us, not harm us (Jeremiah 29:11). Every good and perfect Read More

Samuel: Messiah, Prophet, and King

Jesus, our Messiah is definitely portrayed in the books of Samuel as prophet and king. These have always been two of my favorite Old Testament books. There is so much valuable information contained in these two books.  These two books were originally one, but they were later divided by the translators of the Old Testament (Septuagint). The books are named after Samuel, who presided over Israel’s transition to a monarchy ruled by a king. Samuel—part prophet, priest, and judge himself—was God’s instrument for choosing a king for Israel. The books of Samuel cover a period of Israel’s history of approximately 100 Read More