Mindset Monday: Obedience

Obedience is following each phase of God’s instructions. Has God ever told you to hide? In 1 Kings 17:2-4, God told Elijah to go and hide. He gave Elijah specific instructions: Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: Leave here, turn eastward Hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan Drink from the brook Wait for the ravens to bring you food These instructions were not suggestions. If Elijah had chosen to do things differently, he would not have survived. Obedience was the key. When God gives us instructions, we need to be obedient. If we had stopped reading after Read More

Down in the Ds: Not Just The Dumps

Have you heard people say they are down in the dumps? What they are saying is they are sad, oppressed, overwhelmed, and a few other things. Dumps is another of those D- words that we encounter sometimes. Have you been down in the dumps (Ds)? I think we have all experienced the Ds at some point. What other D-words are there that steal our joy: Depressed, defeated, doubtful, distracted, disappointed, delays, disease, disaster, and on and on those words go. But there is an answer for the Ds. That answer is FAITH. Don’t be down in the Ds (dumps, disappointed, Read More