Prepare for the Storms of Life

Prepare! Storm warnings are out for the east coast as Hurricane Irma roars toward land as a Category 5 hurricane.  Storms come and go. Did you know September is actually National Preparedness Month? Please check out the website to learn how to prepare when natural storms are headed your way.  In the natural, we are encouraged to prepare for storms coming our way. In the Spirit, we should also be prepared for storms. These spiritual storms may not come with heavy rain, winds, flooding, or tornados, but they can be just as devastating. What can we do to prepare? In Read More

Offenses: Stop Talking and Pursue Peace

Over the past few weeks, I heard the Holy Spirit say, ‘People are in agreement with the wrong spirit and are taking on the offenses of others.’ The Holy Spirit said ‘Stop’, right now. Stop it. Not long ago my pastor taught a sermon on taking on offenses. If someone does something to another person, we are not to take on that offense. It did not happen to us. Sure we can empathize with others, but we are not to take on their offense. I know sometimes that is hard because we all want to make sure people are being Read More

Suddenlies: Godly Mushrooming

We are in a season of ‘Godly Mushrooming’ or Suddenlies. Things are speeding up in the natural and in the Spirit. Have you noticed it? The word ‘mushroom‘ has many meanings including ‘an umbrella shaped fungus’. The definition I am using today is ‘to spring up suddenly or multiply rapidly’.  The verb form of mushroom is ‘mushrooming’ meaning a sudden, rapid growth. Many species of mushrooms seemingly appear suddenly overnight, growing or expanding rapidly. It’s been so wet and rainy here in Tulsa that huge mushrooms are springing up everywhere; which inspired me to write this post. Take a look at Read More

Process: Birthing the Promise

Process is needed to birth your Promise. God’s PROMISE far outweighs and exceeds the pain, the push, the rejection, the losses, and the loneliness you experience during the process!  Stay Focused, especially during this season in your life.  Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10 NIV). God always multiplies your seeds sown in obedience, time, words, deeds and seeds sown monetarily or materially.  Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he receive (Galatians 6:7 NKJV). Jesus went through the process of coming to earth as a mere man and dying Read More

You Are Priceless to God!

You are priceless to God. I had gone to corporate prayer and healing school one morning and decided to go shopping for an item for the home. Once I was at the store, I asked God, “Can I purchase something personal”? I got the OK to do so. As I was looking for the home item, I ventured over into the clothing section and I saw this top that was beautiful and bright, and I adored it. However,  it was damaged with numerous pulls and snags and it was the only one left in the store.  I picked it up Read More

Jesus the Ultimate Blogger

Last week we learned about Jesus the Ultimate Blogger. Here’s why He deserves that title: Jesus had a strategic plan Jesus wrote an awesome ‘About Me’ page Jesus spent time with His target audience This week we will learn more about Jesus the Ultimate Blogger. No matter where He went, He always had us in mind. He was working the plan that the Father had laid out before the foundation of the world. Jesus did not leave us to fend for ourselves. We have a way to always be in contact with Him and the Father. 4. Jesus provided an ’email address’. Read More