God is all about LIFE. I read a Facebook post the other day which nearly made me want to rant. The Holy Ghost said, be slow to speak, in other words, practice James 1:19. He reminded me just as Jesus said of those who were killing him, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” I am always very careful about saying what God said and what He meant when He said it. God reminded me that my job is to ‘lovingly educate’. This article said God is Pro-choice because He gave us free will to choose. Yes, He did give us free will, but when it comes to choices there are always consequences. Consider what He said very carefully:
- I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore, you shall choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants
). Yes, He gave us a choice, then He told us what to choose (LIFE). That’s my God. - Because of rebellion against her God; they shall fall by the sword; their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open. A nation who kills the innocent has rebelled against God and is under the curse (Hosea 13:16).
- There is also a correlation between child sacrifice and modern-day abortion. Unprecedented numbers of children have been “sacrificed” at the hands of abortionists for the sake of convenience, immorality, or pride. Hundreds of thousands of babies have been killed so that their parents can maintain a certain lifestyle. God hates “hands that shed innocent blood” (Proverbs 6:17), and we can be sure that God will judge this horrendous sin.
This article was void of hope. How can a Christian woman tell people there is no hope when our very faith is Hope itself? Basically, kill the children who are hungry, neglected, threatened, homeless, and abused. That’s not God’s message, that message is from the devil, the ruler of this world. God’s message is
“trust me” for those things which you need. God’s message is the church should be on the front lines of feeding (
Isaiah 58:10), clothing, and (
Psalm 82:3-4) protecting children (those unborn and well as those living).
The article is a message to your children which states, “if you are hungry, I will kill you to protect you”, “if you are being abused, I will kill you to protect you”, “if you are homeless, I will kill you to protect you”. Really people, what kind of message are you sending to your children? Psalm 127:3 tells us, children are a gift from God.
The blood of those poor babies who have been sacrificed, on the altars of abortion, cries out from the ground, just as Abel’s blood cried out to God when Cain murdered him (
Genesis 4:9,10). Let’s stop this infanticide. To those who think God is Pro-choice and those who are also pro-choice, I offer you love and a challenge. Get to know the Bible and the Word of the living God. He is the
God who loves us so much that He gave us choices, then, in His infinite wisdom and love, told us what to choose each and every time, LIFE. He sets choices before us each day. We get 24 hours each day to decide if we are going to follow Christ. Remember, you will have to give an answer for the deeds you do in this life. Are you ready to stand before God and answer for your choices? Think hard before you answer (
2 Corinthians 5:10).
Again, God says, “I set before you this day life or death”. Please choose LIFE. If you are a follower of Christ, it’s time to take a stand for Life. We do not have the luxury of staying silent. Additional reading materials here. Disclosure: Many of the linked products and services I recommend are affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.