Our True North is the Holy Spirit. In the vast expanse of the night sky, a single star has guided countless travelers throughout history. The North Star, or Polaris, stands as an unwavering beacon of direction, positioned almost directly above the Earth’s North Pole. While other stars wheel through the darkness in their nightly dance, Polaris remains steadfast, offering a fixed point of reference for those seeking their way (true north). This celestial constant serves as a powerful metaphor for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in our lives. Just as ancient mariners and explorers relied on Polaris to navigate treacherous waters Read More
Tag: Holy Spirit
Mindset Mondays: Determination
1 Corinthians 2:2 states we should be determined to know God. I am determined to walk by faith, walk in love, walk in wisdom, walk in the Spirit, and walk worthy of my calling. The world’s standards shall not sway me or deter me.
Mindset Mondays: That Same Power
Power is needed to defeat all of the schemes of the enemy. Where do you get your power? Not your electrical power. Even though that is important. On Friday we started to have power issues at our house. Some outlets worked; others did not work. The clock on the kitchen range kept going on and off. We were almost devoid of power. For some reason all of the overhead lights in the house worked just fine. To fix our power problem, we called on the experts, and they arrived promptly to fix the problem. At times we find ourselves in Read More
Alignment: In Pursuit of Purpose
Alignment is important when you are in pursuit of purpose. There are places God has called you to go and people He has called you to meet. We must have the determination to be in alignment with God’s purpose and plan. Where are you? Are you in alignment with God’s plan and purpose for your life? Are you reaching for those things that are aligned with your purpose? Do you have a clear vision of where God wants you to be? God sent Elijah to the brook (1 Kings 17:3), Namaan to the river (2 Kings 5:10), Joseph to the Read More
Thirsty!: Come and Drink
Thirsty is an interesting word. It has so many meanings, from needing a drink to being eager. I was reading something today that reminded me to drink more water. Then I started thinking about how thirst can cause our minds and bodies to fail. The same is true in a spiritual sense. If we do not quench our spiritual thirst, we will never experience the life of purpose that God planned for us. What a wasted life! John 7:37 tells us that Jesus stood and called out [in a loud voice], “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me Read More
Holy Spirit: Strategist
For my final Holy Spirit post in the month of January, I want to introduce the Holy Spirit as a strategist. He was present at creation, hovering (strategically planning and thinking) over the face of the deep; He strategized how to spread the gospel by sending Paul, Peter, and others out to different cities and forbidding them from going to other places, and He sent Philip to preach the good news to an Ethiopian eunuch and then transported him away. As you spend time with the Holy Spirit, ask Him to give you strategies for your life as well as Read More