Quote from Being: Manifesting the Image of God.
Quote from Being: Manifesting the Image of God.
Divine encounters happen all the time. God has a divine plan to get you firmly placed within your destiny. A divine encounter happens when God orchestrates an encounter with someone or something to bring you out on the other side. You only need to be willing and obedient. What do you have in your hand? God has given us everything we need to succeed. First, we have His Word and the Holy Spirit. With God on our side and the Holy Spirit living within us, how can we be defeated. God also provides us with encounters that He uses for Read More
Vision is important in our everyday walk with the Lord. As you start this new year are you seeking to follow God’s vision or are you looking for direction from other sources. God has a plan (Jeremiah 29:11) and you have to discover and live out that plan. We must be in agreement with God and walk in obedience to the plan He has for us. The evening news can’t tell you the plan; your favorite tv show can’t tell you the plan; your best friend can’t tell you the plan; only God can reveal it to you. We must Read More
Narratives are the storylines of your life. They are accounts, reports, stories, events, or experiences. My narratives include being born and raised in rural North Carolina to currently working on my doctorate. I have changed the narratives of my life many times. Recently I heard the Lord say, ‘tell my people it’s time for them to remove themselves from the narratives currently shaping their lives’. Removing yourself from the narratives means it is time to stop doing whatever it is you are currently doing, take a look at what you are doing and see if it lines up with what Read More
Dreams. It’s time to let go of some of those dreams. I was reading a devotional the other day that said, some of you have been crying out to God for somethings which were not meant for you, but He gave them to you anyway just as He gave Israel a king (1 Samuel 8). Go back and read that story; it’s eye-opening. God reluctantly gave Israel what they wanted, but He also warned them what would happen to them by receiving what they had asked for. Do not be too swift to run to God and ask for things Read More
The commonality is a mind link in a science fiction alien world. The aliens are called Taelons, and the commonality served to connect or link the consciousness of the aliens to each other. I was watching an episode of the show (Earth Final Conflict) recently, and I thought about how as Christians, we share a sort of commonality (connection) with God. Our commonality is not a mind link; it’s through the infilling of Holy Spirit (Jude 20-21). The work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life is an on-going process. The Holy Spirit convicts, leads, guides, prompts, and assists Read More