Imposter Syndrome: A Distorted Image

Imposter syndrome is defined as a behavioral health phenomenon described as self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments among high-achieving individuals. If you are a Christian, then let me assure you, you don’t have imposter syndrome; you have a distorted image of yourself based on the lies of the enemy. You have failed to recognize your true value, your identity in Christ, and your predestined purpose. Once upon a time, I was this person. I lacked a sense of value and had a distorted image of who I was in Christ. It was through immersing myself in the Word that I overcame. Read More

Next Time: Be Intentional

Next time. How often do you hear people say, ‘We will do it next time, or we will get it next time’? ‘Next time’ will continue to be the same unless you intentionally make plans to do something differently. God gives each of us 24 hours every day to accomplish His plans and purposes in the earth. What we do with those hours determines our ‘Next time‘. If all of your ‘Next time (s)’ are the same as your last, it’s time to make some changes. Stop playing the same song and find something new. If you want something you Read More

Accountability: Pen of a Ready Writer

Accountability is about being responsible for fulfilling one’s duties and obligations. Discovering and fulfilling our purpose is an act of accountability. Biblical accountability begins with taking responsibility for our actions and making a conscious choice to allow God and others to assist us in accomplishing God’s plan for our lives. God has given us a plan (Jeremiah 29:11) and a purpose (Jeremiah 1:5). We are not autonomous, in control of our own lives and destiny; God is in control. When He gives us an assignment, we are to follow the instructions if we want to see the outcome that God promised Read More

Alignment: In Pursuit of Purpose

Alignment is important when you are in pursuit of purpose. There are places God has called you to go and people He has called you to meet. We must have the determination to be in alignment with God’s purpose and plan. Where are you? Are you in alignment with God’s plan and purpose for your life? Are you reaching for those things that are aligned with your purpose? Do you have a clear vision of where God wants you to be?  God sent Elijah to the brook (1 Kings 17:3), Namaan to the river (2 Kings 5:10), Joseph to the Read More

Bold Vision: Five Steps To Discover Your Glorious Inheritance

Bold vision is a necessity if you are to have good success in 2024. Ephesians 1:18 informs us that the eyes of our hearts have been enlightened so that we can know what the hope of His calling is and what the wealth of His glorious inheritance is for us. We have a calling (assignment and purpose), which is glorious. God wants only the best for us. His plans for you are peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). As we go into 2024, remember that God gave you a Read More