You Are Priceless to God!

You are priceless to God. I had gone to corporate prayer and healing school one morning and decided to go shopping for an item for the home. Once I was at the store, I asked God, “Can I purchase something personal”? I got the OK to do so. As I was looking for the home item, I ventured over into the clothing section and I saw this top that was beautiful and bright, and I adored it. However,  it was damaged with numerous pulls and snags and it was the only one left in the store.  I picked it up Read More

Worship:It’s All About Him

Worship is more than singing, it’s all about Him.  John 4:24 says, “God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth”. Like prosperity, worship is a wholeness word. It not only includes singing, but also giving, loving, trusting, hoping, praying, obeying, reading the Word, and so much more. It’s about surrendering our whole being to the one true God. We do not change God through our worship, we are changed. The act of what we call ‘going to a worship service’ is in itself a separate form of worship. Anything that we Read More