Jesus is the Ultimate Blogger. He knew His audience and promoted His brand. As bloggers, we often hear how important it is to provide dynamic content and to promote our brand. As a Jesus blogger, who better to learn from than Jesus Himself. Over the next couple of weeks I am going to reveal to you how Jesus promoted His brand as the Ultimate Blogger.
- Jesus had a strategic plan. He stepped out of eternity and into time to fulfill this plan. This was His brand. In John 5:30, Jesus tells us He came to do the Father’s will, not His own. He knew why He came and to whom He came (1 Timothy 1:15). Jesus had plans, goals, and methods in place to reach His target audience, the lost (Luke 19:10). Just as Jesus used specific techniques to reach His audience we also need them if we are going to reach people for Christ. Do you think Jesus would use the social media platforms we use today? Check this out:
This is a make-believe social media event.
Jesus looked for places where people of all backgrounds gathered; Jesus used the marketplace.He had 132 public appearances and 122 of
those were in a marketplace. The Social Media platforms we use today are the modern-day marketplaces. People from all backgrounds are on social media and people share part of their daily lives. Often discussions revolve around culture, theology and social issues. Current events are shared and sometimes, the latest gossip. Using social media is a must if you want to reach your audience. Follow Jesus, the Ultimate Blogger and be sure to add social sharing buttons to your pages so others can share your blog.
2. Jesus wrote an awesome ‘About Me’ page.
Jesus said, I Am the Way, the Truth and the Light. No one can come to the Father, except through Me (John 14:6).
He further states:
a. He forgives sins (Luke 7:48-49)
b. He is a King (John 18:36-37)
c. He gives everlasting life (John 11:25)
d. He gives abundant life (John 10:10)
e. He will return to judge the world (Mark 14:61-62)
What does your ‘About Me’ page say about you? Is is clear and direct? Take a few tips from Jesus’ page and clearly define who you are and why you are.
3. Jesus spent time with His target audience. Jesus spent time with sinners (Mark 2:16,17). He knew in order to do what He was sent here to do, He had to get close to those who were lost. John 8:1-11 tells the story of the women caught in adultery and Jesus stood up for her; the Samaritan women at the well, Jesus took time to minister to her and not condemn her (John 4); and let’s not forget Luke 7:36-38, a sinful woman anoints Jesus with precious oil. Jesus gave us a mission; to seek out those who needed salvation. In doing so, Jesus took the time to get acquainted with those who needed a savior. Remember, Jesus had a purpose for this. He was not hanging out to party with sinners and become indoctrinated in their sinful ways; His purpose was to tell them about the Father’s love and offer them a chance at eternal life.
Next week I will conclude this teaching on Jesus, the Ultimate Blogger. I will discuss Jesus’s email strategy, Call to Action statement, and a few other nuggets. If you are new to Christian blogging, check out my Pinterest page and my Resources and Specials page for lots of blogging resources.
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