Love Above All Else: Anything Else is Useless

Love above all else has been on my heart for the past few months. During this entire pandemic experience I have been asking, ‘Where is the love that we as Christians are supposed to have for others?’ It has been an eye-opening experience watching Christians backbite not only their brothers and sisters in the Lord but others whom we are supposed to love. God never said love only Christians, He said to love everyone.  Check out the scripture for yourself: 1 Corinthians 13: If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love [for others Read More

Garden of God: Flourishing In His Care

I have been busy planting new plants in my garden. I love working in the garden because it reminds me of how much Jesus loves and cares for us. We are like plants in a beautiful garden that desires to be watered by the power of the Holy Spirit and fed with nutrients from the Word of God. We will grow strong in our faith and reach out our precious branches of love to others. God sees us as a flourishing garden filled with worship and praise.   The Word tells us: Isaiah 61:11 – For as the earth brings forth Read More

LOVE: It’s an Action Verb

LOVE. There is a lot we can say about love. Depending on the Bible translation,  you can find love mentioned between 200 and 600 times. God wants us to know all about LOVE. Not that feeling people get when they think they love someone; I am talking about God’s love. LOVE is a verb and requires action. It’s something God commands us to do. Let us love one another () because God is love. Happy Valentine’s day. On this day when we make an extra effort to let others know we love them, remember God is LOVE and He loved Read More

Heart Condition: Guard Your Heart

What is the condition of your HEART? What are you doing to guard/protect and keep your heart condition pure, healthy, and whole? Your heart is your life source SPIRITUALLY and PHYSICALLY. When your heart is physically out of kilter, your entire body is impacted. In some instances, you become weak. When you apply the proper nutrients, eat the right foods, and do the right things to fuel your body, your heart thrives. If you fail to properly care for your heart, you will suffer physically because your heart is not in its proper physical condition or proper state. Your heart Read More

Marriage: Allow Your Marriage to Exemplify Jesus

Marriage is important to God. We “Christians” are the Bride and Body of Christ and One with Him. So are we as Husband and Wife, One with God with Jesus at the Center, the Core, The Threefold Chord of our Holy Union. Luke 9:23 is a verse I have never associated with what Marriage is and the example of what marriage is until today while praying and thanking God as Greg and I celebrate our 1-Year Anniversary. As you read this verse, think about a husband and wife, especially those of you who are planning and desiring to get married Read More

Speak Love: Tame Your Tongue

SPEAK LOVE. I published a post a couple of years ago entitled “Shut Up: Silence Can Never Be Misquoted.” It is one of my top-rated posts. I think it is time to publish it again. I have been reading comments online about things that are happening at this time in history, and we as Christians need to be careful with our mouths (any kind of commentary). James 3:6 tells us, “A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. By our speech, we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, Read More