Your BATTLE CRY: Are You Longing for Him?

MY BATTLE CRY!! During my worship time today, I kept coming back to how much we need Jesus. We need Him like a thirsty man lost in a desert. We have to learn to lean on God in times of famine and times of plenty. There will be times when there is not enough; times when there are shortages of food, shelter, and finances. During those times my BATTLE CRY is God lead me. Lead me to those places where You are providing. Lead me to the supernatural provisions You gave to your people during their forty-year journey (Exodus 16:4-5). Read More

Love: Divine Imperative, not a Suggestion

Love is a divine imperative and love requires us to do these things. They are not recommendations or suggestions, they are commandments (mitzvah = commandments or divine imperative). Mitzvah is a morally, divine imperative and obligation to do as God commanded.  In Deuteronomy 6:5, God commands, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and with all your soul and with all your strength [your entire being]”. In Mark 12:30-31, Jesus commands us,  “and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul (life), and with all your mind (thought, understanding), and with Read More

God Is Speaking: Pay Attention

God is speaking to us right now. If we pay attention, we can clearly hear His voice. Sometimes it’s through friends, other times through enemies. We really need to listen. One missed message from God can cause us to miss something vitally important. Thank God, He is not like me. I do not like to repeat myself. He loves us enough to give us the message several times through a multitude of ways. Have you ever noticed the verses in the Bible that repeat? They repeat because God wants us to pay attention to what they say.  Take a look Read More


Love is frequently mentioned in the Bible. Depending on the translation,  you can find love mentioned between 200 and 600 times. That tells me that God wants us to know all about love. I am not talking about the feeling people get when they think they love someone; I am talking about the God kind of love. The love I am talking about is a verb and requires action. It’s something God commands us to do. Let us love one another () because God is love.  On this day when we make an extra effort to let others know we Read More

Part 2 – Supernatural Provision: Choices

Supernatural provision, Part 1,  defined lean times as an absence of food, finances, etc.  In other words, not enough.  In those times, we must consider the choices we make. Part 2 reveals how you can still receive supernatural provision in the worst of times by studying the life of Joseph (Genesis 37-50). Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and taken to Egypt. When we study his reaction to all of this and the choices he made,  we find a young man who refused to allow his circumstances to dictate how he lived his life. He stayed true to his Read More

Godly Love: It Never Fails

Godly love:  There are several different Greek words which are translated as “love” in the New Testament.  Agapao (verb) and agape (noun). This is the “Godly love” of the Bible. It is a deliberate, purposeful love rather than emotional or impulsive love. Valentine’s day is quickly approaching and thoughts turn to the topic of love.  This year I am revising one old post about God’s Love. Love as defined by Webster’s Dictionary: strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties; attraction based on sexual desire; affection based on admiration, benevolence, or common interests. True Godly “love” is a verb (it requires Read More