Level Up: Growing in the Knowledge of God

We need to level up. God created a world in which seasons change. Seasons change in your life as well as in nature. God may change your season from one of writing to one of studying a specific topic. Trust God in those seasons even when you don’t understand why He is asking you to make that change. Your purpose can expand and grow as you grow up in Christ. Your yesterday season may not be sufficient to take you to the next level. To level up means progressing to the next level, honing your skills, unlocking new tools, conquering Read More

Millionaire Mindset: Power to Create Wealth

The millionaire mindset is about retraining your brain about success, wealth, and prosperity. Christians seem to have a problem when it comes to prosperity. Why? Because they do not understand what prosperity means. Prosperity is a wholeness word. It’s not just about money. 3 John 2 tells us, Beloved, I pray that in every way you may succeed and prosper and be in good health [physically], just as [I know] your soul prospers [spiritually]. This prayer encompasses a) Success; b) Wealth, c) Health, and d) Mindset. God is thrilled when we succeed. He told Joshua how to ensure his success Read More

Positionality: Obedience

Positionality defines who we are, including all of our identities, lived experiences, realities, truths, traumas, and thoughts, and influences how we perceive everything in the world. I’ve been working on materials for a class I am teaching this weekend and thinking about how our position affects not only our students but everything we choose to do in life. What positions, beliefs, opinions, or realities do you hold dear that are outside of God’s directive? God cares about the everyday decisions we make. When He told Abraham to leave everything and everybody he knew and go to a place that He Read More