Hallelujah: Let Praise Arise

Hallelujah, Let Praise Arise. Whatever giant you may are facing, let your PRAISES and your HALLELUJAHS to the MOST-HIGH GOD cut that giant’s head off and utterly destroy whatever giant it WAS!!!! LET’S GIVE GOD ALL THE PRAISE, ALL THE GLORY, AND ALL THE HONOR and LET’S RAISE A HALLELUJAH!  PRAISE STILL QUIETS/CUTS OFF THE HANDS OF THE enemy! Psalm 8:2

Instead of rehearsing what negative report you were told, or what mistake you may have made again or what someone else may have said about you- REMEMBER WHAT GOD, OUR FATHER, JESUS CHRIST said about you: You are fearfully and wonderfully made (in His image and His likeness) (Psalm 139:13-16 and Genesis 1:26-27).

HallelujahGod’s Word says, You are the healed of the Lord. He sent His Word and healed us and delivered us from destruction (Psalm 103:3-5 & Psalm 107:20). By His/Jesus stripes you were/are healed (Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24). You are already forgiven (Psalm 103:12-14).

So get up from that stupor and push past the pain, hurt, shame, disappointment, and anger. Let Praise and Thanksgiving arise. You may say, “I don’t feel like it”. It has nothing to do with how you feel. You don’t desire to get up and go to work every day, but you do it anyway. I want to encourage you and let you know that when you get up and give God a shout of praise it is better for you physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The Joy of The Lord is our Strength! (Nehemiah 8:10)

So, let the praises of God arise within you and out of your mouth and the enemy must scatter! Sing and praise a little louder – regardless of how you feel. Raise a hallelujah in the presence of your enemies. Take a moment to praise God and to listen to this powerful song by Bethel.

I hope you enjoyed this Word from guest blogger, Eve Washington. Each of us should take time each and every day to raise a Hallelujah in God’s presence and in the presence of our enemies. Watch the  weapons of praise send the enemy fleeing.

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