Millionaire Mindset: Wealth and Riches are in My House

Wealth and riches are in my house. Make this a confession. Last time we talked a little about the millionaire mindset and how it’s God’s desire for us to prosper as our mind, will, emotions, intellect, and imagination prosper (3 John). This week’s focus is on three primary keys to developing a millionaire mindset.

1. Your attitude will have a profound effect on your latitude. What is your attitude toward wealth and wealthy people, especially Christians? Are you speaking evil against wealthy individuals? Pastor so and so got a plane, he doesn’t need that. Well, God gave him that plane to further the gospel. Sister so and so got a new car. It’s one of those Teslas. She doesn’t need that. How do you know what she needs? Stop disrespecting the wealthy. I recently watched a movie in which some people became incredibly wealthy when oil was discovered on their land. Other people started devising schemes to take their money because according to their misguided theology, these people did not deserve this wealth because they did not do anything to obtain that wealth. They were disrespected because they were blessed with favor. What if God felt that way about us? He has given us GRACE, unmerited favor (Ephesians 2:8-9). We did not earn it nor do we deserve it. Remember you will not attract what you disrespect. 

2. Don’t ignore the IFs. How many times is the word IF found in Scripture? Over 1500 times! If you are willing and obedient (Isaiah 1:19). If you give (Proverbs 3:27-28). If you seek Me (Jeremiah 29:13-14). If, if, if. We must stop ignoring the IFs. I remember years ago God told me IF I would sow a sacrificial seed towards a house, I could buy a house with no money down. Let me tell you, it was a sacrifice. I was a single mom, and I sowed in famine and reaped the desired return. Within six months I purchased a home. If we will, He will.

3. Don’t disqualify yourself when God-ordained opportunities present themselves. How many times have we put a question mark where God had put a period? God asked you to go dip in the river, and you said the water was too dirty (2 Kings 5:10). Go to Nineveh, but you went on vacation (Jonah 1:1-3). Confront Jezebel, but you hid in a cave (1 Kings 19). Missed opportunities! A friend of mine reached out to me for help publishing a book. I gave them specific instructions and how much it would cost. It was beyond reasonably priced. They decided to try it on their own and guess what they still have not published it. Do not shut the door just because you do not see the funds. Start to believe the money will come in and start saving it to use to publish your book or whatever God told you to do. A millionaire mindset believes in the power of Not Yet, not failure. Look at failures as stepping stones, not roadblocks. 

Take a chance on God and His will for your life. If your mindset is fixed on poverty and your belief that you will never have wealth and riches, you need to develop a growth mindset. Keep declaring Psalm 112:3, Wealth and riches are in my house. I agree with God. It’s time to look beyond what you may see in the natural, and begin to think supernaturally. That’s how you develop a millionaire mindset. Next week we will look at developing wealthy habits.

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