Purpose: In Passionate Pursuit

Purpose is why you were created. God created each of us with a purpose in mind. Why are you here? You are here because there is a problem you were created to solve. You are probably asking, What problem? How do you discover your purpose? Here are five steps to discovering your purpose: 1. Ask God (). Earnestly pray in line with the Word, asking God to reveal it to you (). God called you to a plan greater than yourself. Jeremiah was called to be a prophet to the nations, even before he was born (). Joseph was told Read More

Mindset Monday: Jehovah El-Ashiyb, God of Restoration

Do you know the God of Restoration? Have you met Him and spent time with Him? Have you allowed Him into the broken areas of your life? Recently, I attended our monthly Fiction Function Book club and one of the ladies was telling us about a tree her husband had planted and lovingly cared for before he transitioned to heaven. At one point, the tree got struck by lightning and split into (See Fig. 1). She called her grandson, and they duct-taped the tree back together (See Fig. 2). She spoke to the tree and commanded the tree to live Read More

Fun Facts Friday: The Color Green

The color green is associated with many things, including growth, money, nature, and St. Patrick’s Day. As I pondered a topic for fun facts Friday, I kept coming back to the color green. God chose this color to represent growth. As I sit looking out my window, I can see green grass and the trees, and all of my plants are starting to turn green. In nature, the color green is often associated with nature, renewal, and growth, symbolizing the vitality and fertility of the natural world. This association with growth and renewal can also extend to personal growth, development, Read More

Realigning: Proverbs 31 Man

Realigning means changing one’s position or attitude. I read an article today entitled The Proverbs 31 Man. You can read it here. I laughed when I saw the title, but I was intrigued, so I read it. The author made some excellent points, and he is well within scripture (Galatians 3:28) to say both men and women can have that role. He lost his job during the 2008 Recession and had to redefine his purpose. Sometimes we have to shift our focus and change our position to adjust to our current season. His was a season of realigning. Some highlights Read More

Fun Facts Friday: March?

Here are some fun facts about the month of March. Did you know? March used to be the first month of the year (if you were born before 150 B.C.). According to the oldest Roman calendars, one year was ten months long, beginning in March and ending in December. You can still see traces of this old month-naming system in our modern calendar. Let’s take a look at December, which was the tenth month; it was named for the number ten in Latin (decem), just like September, which was named for seven (septem). January and February were just two nameless Read More