Mindset Monday: Godly Stretching

Godly stretching is good for you. After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favor], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be] (1 Peter 5:10). If you work out a lot you know how important it is to stretch your muscles after your workout. If you forget, you will wake up the next day with muscles so tight you can barely walk and often with excruciating pain. That soreness might make you want to skip the next workout.

When you find yourself in God’s gym—lifting heavy spiritual weights and doing all manner of uncomfortable new exercises you do not have to worry about the stretching part. He’s doing the stretching for you. God’s stretching is sometimes as painful on our souls as working over a sore muscle.

Godly stretching

God’s stretching empowers you with a spiritual capacity great enough to propel you into the next season He’s ordained for you. That may mean He’s stretching your faith in a trial. This benefits you in the end because you operate according to the proportion of your faith (see Romans 12:6). It may mean He’s stretching you in trust or in some area of your character.

Godly stretching may make you feel like you are a rubber band ready to snap, but God knows how far you can stretch—and it’s much further than you think. Be encouraged!! Once a rubber band is stretched, it never goes back to its original condition. When God stretches you, you will never be the same. So do your spiritual exercises and let God stretch you into the person you need to be.

Are you ready to let God stretch you and propel you into your next assignment? Book a free call with me, and let’s talk about passionately pursuing your purpose.


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