Dr. Martin L. King, Jr: Pursue Justice

Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He lived according to the basic principles of goodness aligned with his faith. Here is a statement from his letter from the Birmingham jail that should encourage each of us to always seek to stamp out injustice whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.” The statement by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. resonates deeply with biblical principles of justice, interconnectedness, and love Read More

Purpose: In Passionate Pursuit

Purpose is why you were created. God created each of us with a purpose in mind. Why are you here? You are here because there is a problem you were created to solve. You are probably asking, What problem? How do you discover your purpose? Here are five steps to discovering your purpose: 1. Ask God (). Earnestly pray in line with the Word, asking God to reveal it to you (). God called you to a plan greater than yourself. Jeremiah was called to be a prophet to the nations, even before he was born (). Joseph was told Read More

Divine Encounter: What’s in your hand?

Divine encounters happen all the time. God has a divine plan to get you firmly placed within your destiny.  A divine encounter happens when God orchestrates an encounter with someone or something to bring you out on the other side. You only need to be willing and obedient. What do you have in your hand? God has given us everything we need to succeed. First, we have His Word and the Holy Spirit. With God on our side and the Holy Spirit living within us, how can we be defeated. God also provides us with encounters that He uses for Read More

Decisions: Paths to Your Destiny

Decisions guide our lives. Have you ever made the decision to serve God? Or to stay active? What about the decision to eat healthily? We all make decisions, yet sometimes our decisions are not based on good information or from the leading of the Holy Spirit. Decisions are often based on information we have in a single moment in time. One of my favorite animated movies is Anastasia. If you don’t know the story you can read about it here. In the animated version, Anastasia comes to a crossroads and she has to make a decision. She is not sure Read More

Get UNSTUCK: Four (4) Roadblocks to Fulfilling Your Destiny

Get UNSTUCK! Are you trying to run your race but all you are doing is running in place? Does it feel like you are trying to row a boat that’s fighting against the wind and waves? Do you need the storms in your life to calm down? Are you stuck in the mud pit of life? It’s time for you to get UNSTUCK. I hear you saying, ‘I have been trying to move but I can’t seem to get anywhere. Most importantly, God hears you too. Remember He told you He has a plan for you; a plan to prosper Read More