Ephesians 1:18 – And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit].
Tag: Holy Spirit
Level Up: Growing in the Knowledge of God
We need to level up. God created a world in which seasons change. Seasons change in your life as well as in nature. God may change your season from one of writing to one of studying a specific topic. Trust God in those seasons even when you don’t understand why He is asking you to make that change. Your purpose can expand and grow as you grow up in Christ. Your yesterday season may not be sufficient to take you to the next level. To level up means progressing to the next level, honing your skills, unlocking new tools, conquering Read More
Broken Focus Leads to Disaster: Avoid Distractions
Broken Focus leads to disaster and distractions are dangerous. That’s the message I got from the Holy Spirit this week. As Christians, we need to remain focused on what’s important to God which includes His plans and His people (Colossians 3). Do not allow the things going on in the world to distract you from your purpose or your call. Focus is a game-changer; however, broken focus will lead to disaster. Broken focus is a plan killer. This week and the coming weeks will be very busy for me. My Spring class starts on Thursday, I am working on assignments, Read More
Lead Me: Three Ways God Does Not Lead His People
Lead Me, God, and I will follow. God loves to lead and direct His people. All throughout scripture, God leads and directs. However, we have to discern the voice of God from our own voice or the voice of the enemy. As this year of 2020 continues and the US elections approach, we have to be diligent about following God’s leading. In order to follow God, we must know how He leads and also how He does not lead. God leads us through visions(Acts 2:17) the Word (2 Timothy 3:16) and the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit, the Read More
Commonality: Five Ways to Stay Connected
The commonality is a mind link in a science fiction alien world. The aliens are called Taelons, and the commonality served to connect or link the consciousness of the aliens to each other. I was watching an episode of the show (Earth Final Conflict) recently, and I thought about how as Christians, we share a sort of commonality (connection) with God. Our commonality is not a mind link; it’s through the infilling of Holy Spirit (Jude 20-21). The work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life is an on-going process. The Holy Spirit convicts, leads, guides, prompts, and assists Read More
Focus: Game Changer or Plan Killer?
Focus can be a game changer for your busy week. However, broken focus will most likely lead to disaster. It can be a plan killer. I’ve had a very busy week and stressful week. Our Fall semester starts on Monday and I’ve been working diligently trying to get stuff ready for the incoming students. This week has also been filled with meetings and more meetings. I have been truly relying on the Holy Spirit to help me focus and to bring things to my remembrance (John 14:26). I ‘ve put my life in His care of me this week and He has Read More