Your BATTLE CRY: Are You Longing for Him?

MY BATTLE CRY!! During my worship time today, I kept coming back to how much we need Jesus. We need Him like a thirsty man lost in a desert. We have to learn to lean on God in times of famine and times of plenty. There will be times when there is not enough; times when there are shortages of food, shelter, and finances. During those times my BATTLE CRY is God lead me. Lead me to those places where You are providing. Lead me to the supernatural provisions You gave to your people during their forty-year journey (Exodus 16:4-5). Read More

Manifesting: Four Phases of Spiritual Birthing

Manifesting means to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding. Are you longing for a change? Are you sensing a change in the Spirit? God is giving us those desires we have been praying about. You are on the cusp of giving birth, manifesting that dream within you. Manifesting or spiritual birthing can be difficult. A woman about to give birth is in labor. Manifesting is labor-intensive. Several of us find ourselves in this phase of our lives. We are trying to birth a baby that God put within us. Well, get ready. That baby (vision) is about Read More

Distractions can be Deadly

Distractions can be deadly. There are so many voices in the earth vying for our attention. Some are for good; others for evil. The enemy is always trying new ways to distract us. Sometimes he gives us just enough word to make us think it was the Holy Spirit speaking to us, but do not be fooled. We need to be able to discern the difference and learn to live above the crazy, wild noise of the world and focus our complete attention on God. Here are three ways you can do that: Humble yourself. Learn to take a moment Read More

Survival Strategies: Listening (Get Understanding)

My number two survival strategy is listening. You can play all the music, read all the Word, and pray all the time; however, if you never stop to listen to the voice of God, you have already lost the battle. God speaks and He expects us to listen. Sometimes we are so caught up in the problem we forget to listen for the solution. We try to figure it out on our own, usually making the situation worst. I often wonder why people think God listens to our prayers, but we never consider that He also speaks to us. Conversation Read More

Survival Strategies: Worship (Supernatural Playlists)

To fight and defeat any enemy we need to have survival strategies, including supernatural playlists.  I don’t know about you but the last couple of weeks have been weeks of intense battle. I sensed the fiery darts of the enemy being fired repeatedly at me during this time. Just one thing after another. Through the years I have developed survival strategies to defeat the enemy during these attacks. A lot of these attacks have to do with time management. My already full schedule is being bombarded with so much more to do and not enough time to get it all done. Read More

Focus: Game Changer or Plan Killer?

Focus can be a game changer for your busy week.  However, broken focus will most likely lead to disaster. It can be a plan killer. I’ve had a very busy week and stressful week. Our Fall semester starts on Monday and I’ve been working diligently trying to get stuff ready for the incoming students. This week has also been filled with meetings and more meetings. I have been truly relying on the Holy Spirit to help me focus and to bring things to my remembrance (John 14:26).  I ‘ve put my life in His care of me this week and He has Read More