Survival Strategies: Worship (Supernatural Playlists)

To fight and defeat any enemy we need to have survival strategies, including supernatural playlists.  I don’t know about you but the last couple of weeks have been weeks of intense battle. I sensed the fiery darts of the enemy being fired repeatedly at me during this time. Just one thing after another. Through the years I have developed survival strategies to defeat the enemy during these attacks. A lot of these attacks have to do with supernatural playliststime management. My already full schedule is being bombarded with so much more to do and not enough time to get it all done. A lot of this stuff is just that, stuff. Nothing important at all. I was starting to feel the stress. I had to pull out the weapons of my warfare, which are definitely not carnal (2 Corinthians 10:4-6).

My number one strategy is Worship (Supernatural Playlists).   John 4:24 says, “God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth”. Like prosperity, worship is a wholeness word. It not only includes singing, but also giving, loving, trusting, hoping, praying, obeying, reading the Word, and so much more.  It’s about surrendering our whole being to the one true God. God is not changed through our worship, we are changed. The act of what we call ‘going to a worship service’ is in itself a separate act of worship. Anything that we do, according to His word, to honor Him is worship. Your supernatural playlists can include music, books, scripture, and prayer. Whatever you find that is full of the Word that you know will drive away the enemy.

Do you remember the story of Saul and the evil spirit which tormented him? David played the harp and drove the evil spirit away so that Saul could have some peace (1 Samuel 16:14-23). You need to have those supernatural playlists  (David’s harp music) that you can go to that sends the enemy fleeing. Instead of his arrows flying at you, you can turn them around so they fly back at him. One of my favorite songs from my playlist is I’m Still Here by Mandisa. Sends the enemy running away every time. Start your day the right way. With your survival strategies ready to use when the enemy tries to bring you down.

Stay tuned; next week I will tell you my number two survival strategy. In the meantime, get your supernatural playlists going.

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