Hope is the reliable anchor for our souls. There are those who see the Christmas season as the season of perpetual hope; others, not so much. Scripture tells us in Hebrews 6:16 – 19 that Jesus is that HOPE, “Among men it is customary to swear by something greater than themselves. So in this matter, God, wishing to show beyond doubt that his plan was unchangeable, confirmed it with an oath. So that by two utterly immutable things, the word of God and the oath of God, who cannot lie, we who are refugees from this dying world might have Read More
Category: Hope
21 Days: Waiting for your Breakthrough
21 days does not seem like a long time when you think in terms of months or years; however, 21 days can seem like an eternity when waiting for your breakthrough. Why 21 days? Here are some things I know about 21 days: Habits can be formed or broken It’s equivalent to 504 hours Daniel prayed and fasted for 21 days (Daniel 10) before he had a breakthrough I want to focus on Daniel and waiting for your breakthrough. If you study the book of Daniel, you will discover Daniel was of royal blood; however, as a young boy, he Read More
Rewriting History: God Rewrites Your Story
Rewriting history seems to be a very prominent activity around the world at the moment. Presidential candidates are attempting to rewrite their own histories. Recently, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), voted 24 to 6, to rewrite Jewish and Christian history by stating the Temple Mount and the Western Wall have no ties to Jewish history and from this point on these two sites will be referred to by their Arabic names rather than their Hebrew names. The site is known to Jews as the Temple Mount and Haram al-Sharif to Muslims. Israels’s Education Minister declared, “Yesterday’s decision Read More