Rewriting History: God Rewrites Your Story

Rewriting history seems to be a very prominent activity around the world at the moment. Presidential candidates are attempting to rewrite their own histories. Recently, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), voted 24 to 6, to rewrite Jewish and Christian history by stating the Temple Mount and the Western Wall have no ties to Jewish history and from this point on these two sites will be referred to by their Arabic names rather than their Hebrew names. netanyahu-tweet-denies-historyThe site is known to Jews as the Temple Mount and Haram al-Sharif to Muslims. Israels’s Education Minister declared, “Yesterday’s decision is a denial of history and gives a boost to terror.” Netanyahu stated, “To say that Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall is like saying that China has no connection to the Great Wall of China or that Egypt has no connection to the pyramids. By this absurd decision, Unesco has lost what little legitimacy it had left.”

Other attempts are rewriting history include:

One news commentator  in Texas wrote, “Rewriting history deprives our children of the truth about their own nation’s and the world’s past.” Basically, from the world’s point of view, rewriting history is a bad thing. I know you are wondering, ‘When is rewriting history a good thing?’ When God said He would rewrite our history.

He is even now rewriting your story. Consider the story of King David. He had committed adultery with Bathsheba and then killed her husband Uriah. His story was one of a man found guilty of a crime; however, God rewrote his story. In Psalm 51, we see David’s plea to God for restoration and forgiveness, and God rewrote his story. Again, in Acts 8 rewriting historyand Acts 9, Paul’s story was rewritten. He was a murderer who was converted and became a follower of Christ.  Who can forget the story of Moses (Exodus 2 - 6) who became the deliverer and Joseph  (Genesis 37-51) who went from the pit to the palace? God is always (and I repeat ALWAYS) rewriting the stories of His people. So do not despair; put your trust in God and watch how He rewrites your history for the better. We all have stories we would like to forget; some more horrific than others. But God!! He is the restorer of the broken hearted; healer of our worst hurts; deliverer of those who are in bondage; He holds the keys to our prisons. He will restore all that the enemy has stolen. Trust Him.

Here are some additional resources on Rewriting History.

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