Healing: Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Healing is very prevalent in the New Testament. Some believe that the gift of healing no longer applies to the church of today; it ended with the last of the Apostles. Let me tell you, healing is not only for today, but forever.  We can count on it. One of the names of God is Jehovah Rapha (God my healer). Rapha means to heal (both figurative and literal healing), to make whole, to restore to normal (restore health), to cure, to repair.  Rophe (one who heals) is the Hebrew word used of physicians in ; ; ; and . Rapha in verb form means quite Read More

God Does Not Change

Weather changes often, especially here in Oklahoma.  God does not change.  For some of us 2017 started off with a blast of cold weather and ice storms; others had too much rain and tornados. Our weather here in Oklahoma, as usual, has been a roller coaster ride of warm temperatures (sixties and seventies) and cold, icy temps (below freezing and single digits). As we say here in Oklahoma, ‘Hate the weather, just wait 5 minutes, it will change’. I am so glad God does not change. No one can ever say about God, ‘Just wait 5 minutes and He will change’. Read More

Purpose: Why Am I Here?

Purpose. Many are asking, “Why am I here? What is my purpose?” I hear it everywhere. However, there is a problem. You are not asking the correct person. During this season there are usually many people making resolutions about what they want to accomplish this year. First of all, take the time to ask God the right questions. Many years ago I heard someone say, “If you want to know the purpose of a thing, don’t ask the thing. ASK THE CREATOR OF THE THING.” You ever wonder why people do not know the answer to this question? Only God, can Read More

Are You Salty?

Are you salty? Who are you influencing/preserving/mentoring today? What’s the wattage of the light in you? Are you covering up your saltiness to fit your environment? Do you have it completely turned off because you don’t want to be bothered or you just don’t feel like it today? Are you saying, “Hey, I’m off work, or it’s the weekend and this is my time”! We are the salt of the earth and the resurrected power; the light of the world resides on the inside of us (; ). We cannot be selfish. We are here to impact the world for Read More

Making Plans: God’s Got This

Each year on New Year’s day God and I have a conversation about making plans for the coming year and also reflect on accomplishments from the previous year. One of my goals for last year was to publish my book and I met that goal; actually publishing two books. I make it a point to look beyond what I see with my natural eyes; I look for the potential God sees in me. Are you spending time with God making plans for the coming year? Maybe last year was not what you thought it would be. You had some losses Read More

696 Hours: Five Things to Consider

It’s December 2nd, 23 days before Christmas, and 29 days until January 1st, 2017; you have 696 hours left in the year. Can you believe that 2016 is already coming to a close? When you think about it, 696 hours seems like a very long time. However, as the days pass and the end of the year draws closer you realize that 696 hours will come and go at light speed.  What are you going to accomplish for the Lord in the next 29 days or 696 hours? Here are a five  things to consider: 1. Win more souls to Read More