Seasons: Trust God in Your New Season

I am in a new season, as many of you are. God has directed me to go back to school to obtain my doctorate in Educational Leadership. So far it’s been an amazing journey. It may appear that God has abandoned you in this new season, but take a breath and wait. Listen, the voice of the Holy Spirit will start to speak to you bringing you comfort. Everything will be ok. Just trust and obey.

New seasonI spoke with a young lady the other day. She had been engaged to be married, but something did not feel right. She broke the engagement and they parted as friends. I encouraged her that now may not be the right season for them. God may still be working on both of them and she does not want him if he’s only half baked. She needs him to be fully cooked. She agreed and said she was going to continue to trust God to lead her either toward another life partner or back to her former fiancée.

Trust God with your new seasons. He knows the plans He has for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Ask God about your assignment; where you are suppose to be during this season. He will show you what you need to do and where you need to go.

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