Shoes: Your Due Season

SHOES!! I love them. If you were to take a look in my closet you will probably find about 25 pairs. In fact, if shoesyou were to visit my Pinterest page you would find an entire page dedicated to them. I was reading a blog post from a friend of mine the other day and she was talking about the shoes she is currently wearing. She stated she did not want to be in that particular pair, but that God currently had her wearing them. She was using shoes as a symbol for a season in her life. I want to share some of this post with you. It is very inspiring.

“I’m going through severe testing. Someone commented to me the other day, “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes for anything right now.” “Well,” I said. “I don’t much want to be in them either.”

Because if I could pick the shoes I want to wear right now, I’d definitely pick a different pair. Cute ones. Definitely not designer 4-inch heels, like my friend would. But maybe some bright-colored, strappy sandals. Or hey, right now, I’d settle for some nice, cushy bedroom shoes. Something I could slip on and off when I want to.

But would I pick the shoes I’m in right now? I assure you I would not.

In fact, the shoes I’m wearing right now – well, I can’t undo them at all or exchange them. Apparently, you don’t get to pick the shoes you’re in right now. But you know what? Oddly enough, I’ve experienced some weird, comforting times while wearing these shoes. Not right this minute, but there have been a few times. And I’m pretty sure these shoes are God’s will for me right now. And I’m convinced He will continue to bring comfort while I’m wearing them. And I’m positive that eventually, He will undo the laces Himself and deliver me from the shoes I’m in right now.”
{Taken from}

She wrote this post several years ago but I can assure you like many of us,  she has worn this pair of shoes on more than one occasion. Life comes to us in seasons, some good, some not so good. Some painful, some pleasurable. I want you to remember that God is with you in those seasons (Galatians 6:9). God will put salve on the sore places, rub your feet occasionally, and eventually He will untie them and your season will change. Trust Him in your seasons to provide comfort and to bring deliverance (Psalm 34:19). God keeps His promises (2 Corinthians 1:20). 

If you want to follow Kendra or read more of her posts visit her page here. Kendra has a great children’s book available on Amazon entitled  Where’s Poppi?.  This book (and the additional free resources) helps young children deal with the loss of a loved one.  Get it here. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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