Worship: Weapons of my Warfare

Survival strategies are essential. I have several strategies I utilize when the enemy attacks. One of those strategies is WORSHIP. I don’t know about you, but for the last couple of years, I have been in an intense battle. The fiery darts of the enemy were fired repeatedly at me during this time. Just one thing after another.

worshipIn fact, worship is my number one strategy.  Worship is a wholeness word. It not only includes music but also giving, loving, praying, obeying, and reading the Word.  It involves surrendering our whole being to the one true God. God is not changed through our worship; we are changed. The act of what we call ‘going to a worship service’ is in itself a separate act of worship. Anything that we do, according to His word, to honor Him is worship. Your worship strategies can include listening to music, reading books and scripture, and praying. Whatever you find that is full of the Word that you know will drive away the enemy is a worship strategy.

Take the time to have your strategies set ahead of time. When you are in an intense battle, you do not have time to devise a plan of action. Develop, secure, and test your plan before you have to deploy it. David chose his stones and had them ready before he met Goliath (1 Samuel 17:40). Ephesians 6:10-17 tells us to put on the whole armor of God before we go into battle. If you want to survive the battle, prepare for it, set your strategy, and learn to fight with Godly weapons.

You cannot pick any old weapon that you find. David was given a suit of armor to wear, but he told Saul that he could not wear these because they had not been tested in battle (1 Samuel 17:38-39). What would have happened if David had picked up a leaf or a blade of grass? There would be a different end to that story. Survival strategies will protect and prevent you from falling into the traps set by your enemies. They will taut you and trample upon your faith; however, when you have the correct weapon, you win ALL OF THE TIME. Let WORSHIP be your weapon of choice.

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