For Your Glory

For Your Glory I Would Do Anything – REALLY? So often we sing this song during praise and worship or out of routine or habit. Have you ever stopped to listen to what you are saying? Have you ever asked yourself, “Would I do anything for His Glory”? Have I done anything He’s asked me to do?

For Your Glory LordAsk yourself some questions; you may not like the answers.
Am I purposing to do and say things that will bring Him glory?

Did you pray for that person who may have missed it or did I instead spread rumors or expose his or her heart that they shared with you alone?

Did you let go of that ungodly relationship that grieves His heart after He’s prompted you by the Holy Spirit to let it go?

Did you keep silent when He said “Don’t say anything”, but you had to have the last word and give a piece of your mind?

Did you even try to make it to work or church on time, but instead you said, “Oh I will get there when I get there or I will get there at the right time”, nobody will notice? It is what it is!

Did you let someone merge into traffic in front of you or did you speed up and cut them off and said a few choice words when the Holy Spirit was promoting you to show an act of kindness?

How much of the office supplies do you intentionally take home and you say “I earned this because they don’t pay me enough or I deserved this”? You know that’s stealing and you’re thinking “no one sees me and they will not miss this”.

Luke 16:10 says, “Whosoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much. And whosoever is dishonest with little will be dishonest with much.”

So how much do you really love and value God? When you love someone wholeheartedly you desire to please them. You do all you can do to honor and please them, right?

Let’s honor God in every manner of conversation, (our hearts, thoughts, actions and deeds). Let pleasing our Father God far outweigh what we desire, but rather desire to please, honor, and represent Him. Be an effective influencer for HIS GLORY!!

Not my will but thy will be done! FOR YOUR GLORY I WILL DO ANYTHING! Selah

Hope you really enjoyed this word  from guest blogger, Eve Perry. Coming next week, Life Lessons from the Book of Ruth.

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