God’s Goodness: Revealed in His Creation

Goodness is an attribute of God. He is Good all of the time. I have been thinking about God’s goodness and how we can see it daily as it plays out in all of creation (Romans 1:20). The sun shines on both the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:44-46). The rain falls and waters the earth. The seasons change whether we pay attention or not. The air we breathe is provided for us. The earth sits at exactly the right distance from the sun in order Goodnessfor us to survive. Take a look around and see all the wonders of God’s creation. God is good, All of the time. His love for us is amazing.

I often hear people complaining about the state of things in our world today. They get discouraged and start questioning God. Why would a loving God allow such things as sickness, crime, disasters, or death of a loved one? I have noticed that people tend to live as if the devil, the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4), did not exist. He does exist and is actively trying to cause you to lose all faith in a loving God. This should not be a surprise to you. The Word is very clear about the enemy’s role. He is constantly:

  1. Looking for someone to devour  (1 Peter 5:8)
  2. Killing, stealing and destroying (John 10:10)
  3. Bringing charges against the ecclesia (Revelation 12:10)
  4. Lying (John 8:44)
  5. Deceiving  and seducing (Revelation 12:9)

Stand strong in your faith. God loves you. Jeremiah 31: tells us His love for us is everlasting.  Psalm 136 reminds us that God is good and His steadfast love endures forever. Who can separate us from the love of our Father? Noone or Anything (Romans 8:35-39)! God watches over His creation. He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). There is no need to worry or be stressed out over what is happening in the world. That’s not your job. Your job is to trust God. Trust Him to do what He said He would do when we ask.  I did not say to whine, cry, wring your hands, or beg. I said ASK (Matthew 7:7-8; Mark 11:24; John 16:24). Watch God’s goodness manifest in and around you through creation. 

It’s back to school time. Don’t forget to pray for your children, their peers, and their teachers. We are living in a time when you must be very diligent in your prayers. If you have daughters who are heading off to college give them a copy of my book, Hey Don’t Be That Girl!

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