Immanuel: God’s Greatest Gift

Immanuel, God with us. He is our hope of glory. Where would we be without Him? I love the Christmas season. I love the smells, the lights, the decorating, and all of the ceremony that goes with it. I especially love the shopping. ImmanuelOf course, there is nothing that compares to God’s greatest gift, Immanuel. This gift was foretold in Isaiah 7:14 and fulfilled in Matthew 1:23, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel—which, when translated, means, “God with us.”

That is the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate. He is with us no matter the circumstances. How can knowing that He is with us give us so much joy and peace? The announcement of Jesus’ birth came after a period of a closed heaven, 400 years of silence. Think about how you feel when you think God has forgotten about you. What if you had to endure 400 years? The Jews were conquered, oppressed, and polluted by Greek culture. Hope was running low; faith was even lower. When Jesus’s birth was announced, there was not only joy in heaven, but there was joy here on earth. That joy is still evidenced today as we celebrate His birth. We know that December 25th is not the day of His birth, but that is the day that was chosen.

As Christians, we should celebrate His birth every day. That is another reason I love Christmas. Christmas is a continuation of the party I have every day when I think about everything He has done and is still doing in my life. I am so blessed. It’s not about the gifts under the tree; it’s about my Savior, Immanuel. God’s greatest gift. Happy birthday, Jesus. Merry Christmas, everyone.

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