New Perspective: Seasons Change, Change with Them

New perspective during this season. Seasons change (Daniel 2:21; Ecclesiastes 3:1-11) and so we should be ready to change with them. This change should not be based on what we feel or what others are saying. It should be based on what we hear from God. We need to (Shema) listen and obey (Deuteronomy 6:4).

New PerspectiveA little over two years ago, November 2017, a Tuesday morning at 12:30 am, the Holy Ghost woke me and told me to grab a pen and paper. He had something He wanted to impart. When the Holy Ghost talks, I listen and obey. Most of the message was personal, for me alone; but there was one part of the message which was global. I had not thought of this until the pandemic and God released me to write about it. Here are His exact words:

“You are about to receive some news; it will not be good news. But take heart, you are already prepared to deal with it. There will be mass causalities. Many will lose not only stuff but their lives. Be ready! As the planets align there is coming judgment. My hand will not be stayed.

I am God and I am good. I, even now, am stretching my hand to protect and secure my people even though some will be lost in the natural; but not in the spirit. Behold, I am doing a new thing. You will not be surprised by what is about to take place. You’ve sensed it in your spirit. The time is NOW.

I’ve held back my hand and my wrath. I am about to strike a blow that will be felt around the world. I have seen enough. My people are once again getting into bed with Delilah. They have given away their strength and succumbed to the threats of the enemy. I am launching an army of believers who are equipped to produce a desired outcome. It will not be pretty. Do not be discouraged nor be afraid.

I will shake the very foundations of the world; it will cause many to come back to me, but many will fall away.”

As with all prophecy, it needs to be judged. So, judge it accordingly. I had a new perspective after I got up the next morning and have been moving forward with His promise in my heart. As I went back and read the Word He gave me that morning, the things He told me have been coming to pass. Personally, He told me to pack up my office because I would be leaving that job, and I am leaving it on June 30th.  Seasons change. He recently told me something about the virus that many had overlooked. I’ve been watching the updates on the virus and they have only begun to discuss what the Holy Ghost told me they were missing. I will see what happens with that.

I was not sure what He meant by ‘as the planets align’ so I did some research and looked into the Astronomy side of things (the study of the heavens); not astrology (how these things affect your life). There was planetary alignment during this season. God gave us the signs in the heavens. In Luke 21:25-26 Jesus said, “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven will be shaken.” Be sure not to make decisions based on heavenly signs, follow the leading to the Holy Spirit, not the Zodiac.

Draw near to God and follow His leading. You will be glad you did. You will have a new perspective. God does nothing without first revealing it to His prophets (Amos 3:7). I firmly believe that and walk in it daily. Seasons change. Listen and Obey (Shema).

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY. Be safe and enjoy your day. This season of turmoil is changing, trust God to give you a new perspective and bring you through it.

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