Not Alone: Come out of that CAVE!

You are not alone in your struggle. Sometimes we think we are the only person who is struggling. However, the Word tells us that everyone is being stalked. 1 Peter 5:9 says Believers throughout the world are undergoing the same struggles. You are not alone.

Elijah thought he was the only one left to fight the stalker, but God reminded him that there were others out there who were still in the fight. Even when you feel like you are alone and there is no one fighting the enemy except you, God will make a way. He showed Elijah that he was not alone. When Elijah was hiding out in the cave, feeling sorry for himself, and whining about how everybody had turned away from God, God reached out to Elijah, fed him, soothed him, and then sent him on another mission, a new assignment (1 Kings 19).

Remember, just because you feel that you are done with God, He is not done with you. But God. David felt alone at one point. He went and hid in a cave to escape from those who were stalking him. God sent his family and others to the cave to be with David, and once again, God gave David a new mission, to be the leader of the downtrodden and the brokenhearted (1 Samuel 22). Just when we think we have completed our course, God gives us a new assignment.

Elijah and David hid in caves, but God said He would be our hiding place (Psalm 32:7; Psalm 27:5; Psalm 119:114). When you are being pursued by the stalker, know that you have an advocate; you are not alone. God has a plan for your survival and, afterward, a new assignment. Don’t let the stalker stop you from completing God’s assignment for your life. The enemy’s purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy; your purpose is to live an abundant life that brings glory and honor to the living God (John 10:10). Selah!

I hope this series of teachings helped you in developing a warfare strategy to use against your stalker. Stay in the Word. For more strategies, get my book Survival Strategies on Amazon.

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