Practice Thanksgiving Daily

Practice thanksgiving daily. I often hear people say that we should not start celebrating Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I say we should celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving year-round. At Thanksgiving we are thanking God for all He has done for us and at Christmas, we are thanking God for His Son, Jesus, and all He continually does for us. Each season of our lives should be filled with moments of thankfulness to our Father. Practice thanksgiving daily.

Here is an encouraging word from Minister Eve Washington.

practice thanksgiving dailyThanksgiving is the only day set aside in the United States in which people pause as a nation to Thank God for all He has done and for the freedom we have to worship Him. We have so much to be thankful for because God is so GOOD and His mercy endures forever (Psalm 106:1; 107: 1). Read these entire chapters daily!

How do we practice thanksgiving daily? Let us intentionally give God THANKS and PRAISE regardless of how we may feel or what is currently going on in our lives.


  • Praise releases the Power of God in your life and your situation.
  • Praise is a potent restorative weapon that helps to refocus our attention, affections, and priorities.
  • God inhabits our praises (Psalm 22:3)

We need to practice giving God THANKS every day. WHY??  Because He is worthy and deserves our praise! His presence will daily dwell with us and upon us. How Awesome!!! Never stop being grateful and thankful to God for all He has done, is doing, and will continually do for YOU!

Again, make this a daily practice of thanksgiving to God the very moment you open your eyes. Start making a daily or weekly list of things you are thankful for and also start reflecting on the things God has done that we often take for granted. Were you able to open your eyes this morning; did you still have breath in your lungs; were you able to walk and talk? Then shout HALLELUJAH!  GOD IS GOOD and WORTHY OF OUR PRAISE!


I hope you enjoyed this word from Minister Eve Washington. Remember to give God thanks and praise every day, not only on specific days. Please share.


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