Honoring God: Celebrating the Feasts

Honoring God through the celebrating of the Feasts. We choose to celebrate Passover or the Feast of Unleavened Bread. As a Christian, I think it is important to understand why God created these Feast days and what the significance is for Christians. Leviticus 23 has a break down of each feast (appointed day). Our Passover celebration is based on the fact the Jesus is the Passover lamb (Luke 22:19-20) When we eat the matzo (unleavened bread) we understand the sacrifice which was made for us. Picture the matzo; the holes in the matzo represent the nail holes in His broken Read More

Feasts and Festivals: Meet Him There

Celebrating the feasts and festivals of the Lord is not common among Christians. In my house, we celebrate (Pesach) Passover. As a Christian, I think it is important to understand why God created these feasts and festivals and what the significance is for Christians. God specifically gave these instructions to the Jews: “Three times a year you shall celebrate a festival to me” (Exodus 23:14). These three appointments were Pesach (Passover), Shavuot (Pentecost), and Sukkot (Tabernacles). In addition to these three, God added four additional times of celebration in Leviticus 23, thereby making a total of seven celebrations. Matzah (Unleavened Read More