You are being stalked. Have you ever been stalked? Every person on the planet should answer yes to that question. Yes, you are being stalked. It does not matter if you are at home, work, or out and about taking care of business; you are being stalked. You can feel it. The hairs on your arms and neck stand up, and you start to feel the paralyzing fear. With every step you take, someone or something takes a step behind you. You stop and turn around, but there is nothing there, yet you know that someone or something is stalking Read More
Tag: warfare
Purpose: Five Ways to Defeat a Defeated Spirit
Today I want to teach you how to defeat a defeated spirit. I enjoy teaching about purpose and plans. So many people are stuck, lost, or simply roaming the earth without the slightest idea of why they are here. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, “ He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy].” You do not have to live with a defeated spirit. Here are five things to consider: God’s got you. He Read More
Survival Strategies: Worship (Supernatural Playlists)
To fight and defeat any enemy we need to have survival strategies, including supernatural playlists. I don’t know about you but the last couple of weeks have been weeks of intense battle. I sensed the fiery darts of the enemy being fired repeatedly at me during this time. Just one thing after another. Through the years I have developed survival strategies to defeat the enemy during these attacks. A lot of these attacks have to do with time management. My already full schedule is being bombarded with so much more to do and not enough time to get it all done. Read More
21 Days: Waiting for your Breakthrough
21 days does not seem like a long time when you think in terms of months or years; however, 21 days can seem like an eternity when waiting for your breakthrough. Why 21 days? Here are some things I know about 21 days: Habits can be formed or broken It’s equivalent to 504 hours Daniel prayed and fasted for 21 days (Daniel 10) before he had a breakthrough I want to focus on Daniel and waiting for your breakthrough. If you study the book of Daniel, you will discover Daniel was of royal blood; however, as a young boy, he Read More