FAITH WORDS: What’s in Your Mouth?

Faith WORDS are words you speak that are anointed by the Holy Spirit to perform an action. GOD SAID are specific faith words that created ‘everything by Him and for Him’ (Colossians 1:16). Be firm in your faith [against his attack—rooted, established, immovable]. Stand firm in faith. You have been operating in the realm of fear. It’s time to start operating in the realm of faith. What roots you in times of battle? FAITH WORDS. In 1 Samuel 17, Goliath was stalking the armies of God. Every day, for 40 days, he would show up and yell threats at the Read More

Resist Him: You are Being Stalked!

Resist him. So obey God. Stand up to the devil. He will run away from you (James 4:7). Resist means to exert oneself so as to counteract or defeat or withstand the force or effect of something or someone. Last week we started a series entitled ‘You are being stalked.’  Our primary scripture, 1 Peter 5:8 tells us, “That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour” (AMP). This week we will continue with the second strategy used to defeat the stalker. We must resist the enemy’s attacks against us. How Read More

You are Being Stalked!

You are being stalked. Have you ever been stalked? Every person on the planet should answer yes to that question. Yes, you are being stalked. It does not matter if you are at home, work, or out and about taking care of business; you are being stalked. You can feel it. The hairs on your arms and neck stand up, and you start to feel the paralyzing fear. With every step you take someone, or something takes a step behind you. You stop and turn around, but there is nothing there, yet you know that someone or something is stalking Read More