Acceleration: It’s Happening Now

Acceleration means the rate at which velocity changes with time in terms of both speed and direction. Have you noticed that things are happening much more quickly now? There is definitely acceleration. I wrote a post a few years ago entitled Suddenlies, read it here. God is quickly answering prayers and moving on behalf of His people.

As the definition states, both speed and direction are involved. God may be making things happen quickly and also changing direction to bring you into alignment with your purpose. Learn to trust God in the process. My friend, Delphine Riley, included this powerful word in her book, God’s Battle Plan, to encourage you to trust God in His timing. Please enjoy.

“Your life is not falling apart; it’s falling into place. According to Romans 8:28, All things are working together for your good. As I said at the beginning of the year, this will be the year of acceleration in the lives of God’s people. God can take what would normally take 20 years and do it in a fraction of the time. God is working behind the scenes for you suddenly.

Can you believe Him for acceleration, the manifestation of your healing and pay off your house in a fraction of the time…what about saving your loved ones suddenly? Can you believe Him to accelerate that promotion on your job or that ministry that He called you to?

God is not constrained, restricted, or enslaved by anything!! Therefore, God dwells outside of time and is completely free to provide acceleration in anything or everything that he desires in our life. 2 Peter 3:8 says, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: with the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” Let’s accelerate our faith and decree His promises so we will be able to receive His suddenly.”

I hope you enjoyed this ‘right now’ word from my friend, Delphine Riley. Look for those suddenlies that are happening right now. Some of you are going to receive letters saying your student loans have been paid off, or paid too much in taxes, or you just got a huge raise. Don’t open your mouth and stop that blessing. Agree with God for acceleration in your life.

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