We Are Not Alone: Choose HOPE

Choose Hope. As a blogger, I tell stories, whether it’s my story or other stories. When dealing with traumatic events stories allow us to humanize history as people tell their stories. With stories, we can put a face on historic events and make them personal. Stories should activate the senses. What did you see? Broken bodies both large and small and communities torn apart because of hate. I see ashes (human and structural) falling from the sky.  I also see resistance. What did you smell? I smelled the smoke of millions burning, the stench of unwashed bodies in rail cars, Read More

Rememberance: Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day. A day to honor the memory of the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis during World War II. Holocaust Remembrance Day is scheduled on the same date as the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (a revolt by the Jews lasting from April 19 – May 16, 1943). In commemoration, my library (Northeastern State University-Broken Arrow), in cooperation with the NEA and the Big Read are presenting a discussion panel on Literature and Trauma. As I was preparing for this event, I found a story which should inspire all of us to do our part as Christians. Read More