We Are Not Alone: Choose HOPE

Choose Hope. As a blogger, I tell stories, whether it’s my story or other stories. When dealing with traumatic events stories allow us to humanize history as people tell their stories. With stories, we can put a face on historic events and make them personal. Stories should activate the senses.

What did you see? Broken bodies both large and small and communities torn apart because of hate. I see ashes (human and structural) falling from the sky.  I also see resistance.

What did you smell? I smelled the smoke of millions burning, the stench of unwashed bodies in rail cars, and the coppery smell of blood in the air. 

What sounds were heard? I heard the screams of those being burned and gassed. I heard the rat-a-tat-tat of the machine guns from the hill.

Also, how does the story make you feel? As I walked through all of the sessions this week I was overwhelmed. I felt sadness, sorrow, and anger; but I was also hopeful.

When overwhelmed I pray, sing, and write about things that bring me hope.  I will always respond from a place of faith. That is  a part of my story. My story started as someone discarded, invisible, and broken; but that is not how I will allow my story to end. I am pushing forward. I cannot be defeated and I refuse to quit.  Jesus said, let not your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid. Though we live in a terrifying place, He has overcome the world – John 14:27; John 16:33. That is part of my truth. That is why I choose HOPE.

My focus is on how to make the world a better place for future generations. Here is my poem for those who still hurt.

You are not Alone
You are not alone; we weep with you.
You are not alone; we are also overwhelmed by what we see and hear.
You are not alone; we have chosen to fight beside you.
Not with guns and bullets, but with power and prayer.
You are not alone.
Flesh and blood may fail but remember. 
There is One who walks with you through the fire, but you will not be burned.
Through the flood of tears you weep, but you will not drown.
He is your Lord, your God, Emmanuel, the One always with you.
He is El Roi, the One who looks ahead and sees and plans for your future.
He is El Shammah, the ever-present One. He is always there. 
That is my Truth. In this, I find HOPE

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